Studio Smiles Dental



Eagle Run 2018

Allen Senior High School

“Meeting great people and giving out great prizes at the Eagle Run. The weather was so nice!”


Teeth for Tots

Heartland Montessori

“Inspiring future Dentist and educating them on healthy hygiene habits at an early age.”


Halloween Candy Buyback

“We collected over 200lbs of  Halloween candy from your community to send to our troops. Thanks Allen!”


Health Hustle

“OMG. What a mega event! The Health Hustle organized by the Allen Council of  PTA’s and Allen ISD is awesome. Lot’s of vendors, activities, and entertainment. Come visit our booth for cool prizes!”


Allen Senior Recreational Center

“For The Health Of It”

“Letting our Senior know about their different dental and medicare options to fit their needs and budgets.”


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